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When I was pregnant with my first (I have 4) it seemed like it took forever to feel the baby move. I don't think it had anything to do with my size. You probably just don't recognize the movement for what it is. I am very large, and the second time around I think I was about three months when I felt the baby move. I am thinking it was around the 4th-5th month with my first. I am a large woman and i think that sometimes during the first one you think that you feel something. sometimes you feel fluttering and its just small movements. you can really start to feel some real kicks around the fourth month. as you go along they get stronger. I've had 3 and i started to feel kicks about the end of the fourth. but everyone is different. Most women, large or small, feel a first baby move around 20 weeks. I remember vividly when I felt mine as we were visiting family and when I screamed they thought I had hurt myself. Second and subsequent babies are usually felt about 15-16 weeks. One of the reasons I thought I was having twins was because I felt movement at 13 weeks. A partner or friend may not feel the baby move because of intervening fat but as the woman feels it from the inside her size makes no difference

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Q: When does a larger woman feel the baby move?
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It is not common to feel the baby move at 12 weeks, as movements are usually felt starting around 16-25 weeks of pregnancy. At 12 weeks, the baby is still quite small and the movements are not typically strong enough to be felt by the mother.

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You should be able to feel your baby move between 16-20weeks. if this isn't your first pregnancy then you will be able to distinguish 'baby' movement even earlier

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Yes it is normal to feel your baby move under your belly button I'm pregnant with my third child and you feel the baby move any where it feels like kicking or turning. The only time you need to worry is if your baby inst moving at all.

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Most women start to feel the baby move around 13 to 16 weeks of pregnancy. If a person is very thin, they may feel it before.

When do you start to feel the bABY KICK?

Sometime between 16 and 22 weeks, you'll start to feel your baby move.

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Most likely you will not feel the baby move until the 2nd trimester. If you felt the baby move in the first trimester, it would be in the 3rd month and you would feel a little tickle or flutter near your bladder.

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No. Sometime between 16 and 22 weeks, you'll start to feel your baby move.

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