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Most cichlid pairs will look after their young until they get too hard to keep together in a shoal. You will observe the fry dashing away and the parents being driven to distraction as they contiuously round them up.That is the time to remove both adults.

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Q: When do you take the female cichlid away from the baby's?
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you should probably take the male out because he might try to mate with the female again. also, if he is in the cage when the female gives birth, he might kill the babies. the male will NOT kill the babys ....they are fine to stay with the female but must be removed just befor the mother gives birth or as soon as posable after as the male will want to then mate as soon as the babys are born ....also the male will not want to mate with the female while she is pregnant as she will not be on heat.. it is also best not to put the male bk in with the female unless u wanted them to mate again and if that is so plz let the female rest for a least 3/4 months after she has had the is also important to remove the males babys from sisters and mother at 4 weeks as the brother will mate with sisters and mothers when they r only 4 weeks old ...i hope this helps :)

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anywhere from a couple of days to a couple of weeks it really depends on what africans your talking about.

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no u do not take a male out when babys are born

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My cichlid has been moving rocks for over a week now. How long does it take for a cichlid to lay eggs after they start moving them?

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