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After the eggs are fertilized, the female either retreats on her own, or the male chases her off. when this happens, pull her out of the tank and place her in a preprepared "hospital tank" as she will probably have a few torn fins and cuts from the mating process.

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Q: When do take out the female betta when mating?
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What happens when the betta fish start mating?

When betta fish are ready to mate, the male will build a bubble nest at the water surface. The male and female will engage in a courtship dance, where the male will display his fins and colors to attract the female. The female will lay eggs, which the male will fertilize and then place in the bubble nest for protection.

Why does your male betta flare at the female?

Simple. Betta fish are territorial. They see movement, and color as a threat. They will do this even to the females until maybe mating season.

When is Mating season for Betta Fish?

The female will do something with her fins and let the male know but when they do mat you have to be right there when it does because the male will kill the female but not the eggs. when the eggs hatch you have to take the male out or he will kill the baby's.

Does female betta eat bloodworms?

Yes , female Betta's eat blood worms , cutting the worms into smaller pieces allows them to be taken easily. Live or fresh foods are a good way to condition fish for mating.

Do girl betta fish kill the males after mating?

No, they do not. They try to swim away as soon as possible because after mating, the male will try to protect it's territory and the female who seemed attractive is now an invader.

When is the mating season for betta fish?


If your betta fish has babies will the male betta fish eat them?

yes after mating a female will be tired and hungry and if the male does not run her away she may eat the eggs for energy.

How how does a male betta get pregnant?

A male betta does not get pregnant. There is a rather complicated mating net that is set up in the tank, holding one male and one female. I am not positive about the mating process, but I THINK that the female lays eggs, then the male fertilizes them, and then he guards the fertilized eggs until hatching time. Then, I believe the male must be removed from the mating net, and his job is finished. (If I remember correctly, he will eat the little "fry" as they dart about in the net. I think the female will, too.) You may be thinking that the male betta was pregnant because of the way he guards the eggs after the female has laid them. Now, you need to go to the betta web site and check on all this information. I may have made one or two misstatements, and the pros can set you straight. I think there is a good website located at There are several good betta web sites, and you should look them up on your search engine.

What do you do if you male betta is eating the babies?

Take the male out but leave the female if you have.

What does it mean when your male betta fish flares up its gills at a female betta fish?

It is courtship but be careful during the mating the male will kill the female then the male will make a bubble nest. When the babies hatch be shure to separate the babies or they will eat each other hope this helps

Why wnt male betta leave female betta alone keeps ripping her fins and scales he used t like her and breed with her how can this stop?

Because female bettas will eat eggs and the male will fight anything to protect them. Never ever leave a female in the same tank after they're done mating, he'll probably kill her!

What does it mean if your female betta killed your male betta?

Female beta is a murderer.