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Sounds like you have a bit of a problem there. Sounds like you don't really need two roosters, not gonna do ya any good with that duck anyway. You could sell, give or slaughter one or both of the roosters. What you probably need are some hens. You don't need roosters for eggs anyway, unless you want to raise chicks and it doesn't sound like you do. Other than that, I don't know what to tell you. Depends on what you want to do. You could always get a dog that likes chickens (in a carnivorous kind of way) like a Border Collie or something. But, I know one thing, if you keep both of those roosters, they will drive you nuts after a while and you won't care what happens to 'em. Some more suggestions: Contact your local 4H club. Many kids will gladly take on an extra rooster or two for club projects.

Post a note at the local feed supply store offering either one or both. Roosters are often the first bird to get killed in the flock as they instinctively run toward danger when the hens are alarmed. Often a small farm will be looking to replace a rooster. Talk with the folks who run the grain mill as they often know who needs extra birds or is just starting to put a flock together.

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Q: When do chickens mature I also bought two road island red roosters in case one died now what do I do they are about three months old. and we have a stray duck about 6 months an she is acting up?
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