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Normal female hamsters go into heat every 4 days. they stay in heat for 1 day only.

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Q: When do black bear hamsters go into heat?
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How do you get a teddy bear hamster in heat?

You do not. Hamsters go into heat by a natural cycle all on their own.

Do female teddy bear hamsters have a period?

No, female teddy bear hamsters do not have periods like humans do. They have an estrous cycle where they go into heat roughly every 4 days if not mated.

What is some differences between male and female teddy bear hamster?

When it comes to hamsters teddy bear hamsters or black bear hamsters are the way to go. Dwarfs are typically mean...also male are the better choice anyway females get moody.

Do female teddy bear hamsters go through heat?

Ussually I'm a expert when it comes to Teddy hamsters but I can't answer your question cause I have a boy.

Are female hamsters moody when they go into heat?

yes teddy bear hamsters go into heat. every 3-4 days

Do male hamsters go in heat to?

uh no.

Do girl hamsters have peiriods?

no, they do not bleed but go into "heat"

What is the aver length of an estrous cycle for a hamster?

Most hamsters go into heat every 4 days. Most hamsters go into heat every 4 days.

Ways humans and hamsters are the same?

a hamster is just like a bear, its just smaller, hamsters are originally from the wild just like bears, they even have hamsters that are called teddy bear hamsters and black bear hamsters, so when you go to a pet store look really close at a hamster then think of a bear and realize that they do look alike. hamsters have tails like bears and look like bears but they're just smaller. bears are like hamsters cousins and hamsters are like bears cousins. hope this helped!

Why do hamsters go stiff?

It might be in heat ( if it's a girl ).

What are the different varieties of hamster?

syrian,golden,dwarfs,panda bear,black bear,tortise hamsters are all SUPER sweet breeds JUST DONT GET A FANCY DWARF HAMSTER fancy hamsters are cute and sweet for more breeds go to

How often to do hamsters go into heat?

Hamsters go into heat about every four days and it can last for about a day.