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Meat has been preserved for centuries by packing it in salt and/or other spices. In the early 1800s, Napoleon offered an award for a means of preserving food in convenient containers that his army could take with them. In response, an individual (whose name escapes me) developed the process of preserving cooked food in wine bottles. Later, tin and then steel cans were used.

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11y ago

The preservation of food started with earliest man when their food froze or was dried out by a fire. Modern food preservation started when Napoleon offered a reward to whomever found a way to keep fresh for his armies. As they were on the move constantly they needed a reliable way to transport large quantities of food for an extended period of time.

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Mango can be canned and should be good to eat for one year after canning. Refer to the National Center for Home Food Preservation (NCHFP) website, they have an article that specifically addresses the preservation of mango.

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