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During the 1970's

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Q: When did cup a soups first happen?
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Related questions

Can you drink cup-a-soups?

Yes you can.

Why shouldn't we microwave cup of noodle soups?

Cause It says not to on the package

When does the Melbourne Cup happen?

The Melbourne Cup occurs on the first Tuesday in November every year.

Is cornstarch a mixture or solution in a cup of water?

Yes, It is used as a thickening agent is soups and stews.

Are chilled soups cooked first and then chilled for service?


What will happen if you drink from a plastic cup?

Your lips will get wet first, then your tongue and soon after that your thirst will go away.

Can I pack cup of soups in my suit case travelling to Mexico City?

Yes, you can; as long as these are commercially packed and stored on the checked-in baggage.

When did Macaulay Cup happen?

Macaulay Cup happened in 1947.

When did Grey Cup happen?

Grey Cup happened in 1909.

When did Edmonton Cup happen?

Edmonton Cup happened in 2010.

When did Umbro Cup happen?

Umbro Cup happened in 1995.

When did Centenary Cup happen?

Centenary Cup happened in 1984.