Broiler chickens. But really, any kind of chicken, provided they're old and big enough.
You can put them together right when the chicks are old enough to go in the coop. They will meet the other chickens when they are ready.
Chickens can typically be mixed together once they are fully feathered, usually around 8-12 weeks old. It is important to closely monitor the introduction process to prevent any aggression or bullying within the flock. Make sure there is enough space, resources, and hideouts for the chickens to establish a pecking order peacefully.
they are both no kidding. in the summer if they are in a pen and not getting enough greens they will peck at eachothers butts. my chickens do so we have to give them enough greens in the summertime.
Chickens may live in hutchs, they dont need to run as long as the hutch is big enough for the amount of chickens you own.
strangely enough.. they grow on chickens.
Anyone in the household can light it, as long as they are old enough to handle candles.
As long as the chicken cage has a high enough roof, a galah can certainly live in the same area as chickens.
No, owls can't get in there(the ones big enough to eat chickens) but foxes and cats most definitely can.
by a couple of months old.
Chickens can be born in any season, as long as they are provided with the appropriate conditions for warmth and care. However, most chickens are hatched in the spring because the warmer temperatures are conducive to the hatching and raising of chicks.