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It depends on what you are wanting to talk about. Appearance? Behavior? Food Getting? Just tell, and I could help, cause I had to do this same thing too ^ ^

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Q: What would you put in a report about crabs?
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Can you put baby hermit crab in with older hermit crabs?

Yes. But, the older crabs may bully the younger ones. And a larger tank would be a necessity.

How do you use crabs in a sentence?

Example sentence - We bought little crabs to put in our aquarium.

Would hermit crabs eat lettuce?

yes hermit crabs would eat lettace

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They would also be extinct because if there is no crabs ( which is their food) they would die.

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Can goldfish live with crabs in a bowl or tank?

yes, my turtles lived with crabs but ate them, but I also had crabs in with my minnows and they did fine. There is always the chance the crabs will eat them, but it also depends on the crab. with hermit crabs, it would be fine, but some are carnivorous and do eat fish, so it depends, but most alot of people keep fish with crabs.

How much water in a hermit crabs bath do you have to put in to put in?

It depends on the size of your crab. I would suggest just enough for them to cover the majority of there body but not enough for them to be completely submerged.

How do you report a scam Email without opening the Email itself?

Gmail: Put a checkmark next to the email you would like to report, then click on the "report spam" button.Hotmail: Put a checkmark on the email you would like to report, click on the drop-down menu that says "Mark As", then in the drop-down menu select "Phishing Scam".Yahoo Mail: Put a checkmark on the email you would like to report, click up at top where it says "Spam".Note: These are all using the web-clients, other web clients and offline clients might have similar features that allow you to put a checkmark and report as spam or phishing scam.

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Can you put camilion and hermit crabs together in 1 tank?

No hermit crabs need high humidity (70-85%)

Can you see crabs on a toilet seat?

Maybe. If it's painted crabs than yes. If your brother put crabs on the toilet seat then yes. So maybe yes or no. It depends.