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A sociopathic child that will one day become a serial killer. Or a mentally ill/sociopathic serial killer adult that got annoyed with the cat. Also, possibly the mafia.

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Q: What would tear a kittens head off and leave both body and head without eating it?
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How long can a kitten survive without food or water?

It probably could but if it was allowed to roam free it would find things for itself. Your question is quite concerning, it seems like you are planning a short holiday and you are going to leave your cat alone, which is neglect.

Why food Chans important?

Because many would go hungry without it. A fox would go hungry without eating rabbits. Rabbits would go hungry without eating... And so on

Can you over feed a kitten and kill it?

I can't say that would never happen, but most domestic kittens and cats know when to stop eating.

Can i get my heavily pregnant cat spayed?

Not without aborting the kittens. Most vets would not do it if she is far along in her pregancy.

What color kittens would you get from two white cats?

You would get all white kittens.

Why did the Aboriginals of Australia leave dead bodies in trees?

my guess would be to stop the dingoes from eating them

Witch pet store has kittens?

I would go to the RSPCA if you want kittens.

Would you get skinny in two days without eating?

NO lolz (:

If a female raccoon had little ones will it come out in the late afternoon daylight to feed?

The female will leave her young at times during the day in order to feed. Without eating she will not be able to provide milk for her young. She would only do this during warmer times of the day as her young would get cold at night without her.

How could you get the mother cat to move her kittens from a concealed place?

You could try placing a new nesting box nearby with soft bedding and familiar scents to entice the mother cat to move her kittens. Additionally, providing food and water near the new location may encourage her to move her kittens there. It's important to handle the situation with care and patience to avoid causing stress to the mother cat and her kittens.

How does a cat protect its kittens?

When someone tries to harm the kittens, the mother would get up and start growling. All the kittens will have poofy fur because they know somethings wrong. The mother would pick the kittens up by the scruff and bring them to safety.

What would you do if you foundout your girlfriend or wife is cheating on you?

Leave her without violence!