Depending on the type of matter, the remnants destroyed to open the food web up. Or recycled to bring used energy back into the web.
The good web would collapse
All the other animals would die on the food web because there food disappeared! its a chain reaction
If you added one or more organisms to a food web, it would be unbalanced for a time and then a new equilibrium would be reached that might or might not include the organisms that were added.
he would die cause whithout food the animal gonna die
Potentially bad stuff.
answer: All of the animals in this web would starve.
If any animal was removed from the food web the animals that it would prey on would overpopulate and the animals that hunted it would starve because it has nothing to feed on.
the whole food chain would die out due to loss of their main food source, unless they just happen to have another choice of food to eat. Let's bury them all and start a new virus-free web at once,
If you would remove a crocodile from a food web then species would die out as they are not getting the certain source of food however; there could be an increase of certain types of species as they will no longer have that predator in the food chain. So the prey will survive.
it would mess up the food chain and make every thing go wrong. :) :D :O
Things will be instinct just the way that if animal with no food,they would die... The only thing they can do is leave the area they are..
it will decrease