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Nothing, except a pretty bad flavor. Hot sauce isn't hot to the touch, only to the taste.

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14y ago
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14y ago

It would float, but will gradually melt. You'll end up with a creamy foam on the surface of the water and below the surface the water wi turn the colour of the ice cream.

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Q: What would happen if you put ice cream in water?
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water...maybe cause its thinner? Ice cream..... water doesn't melt it would have to be ice first

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OOH! I know I would rather Have A ICE CREAM CAKE! I would have an ice cream cake 2 in one ice cream and cake. I would have both I would have both ice cream and cake a ice cream cake i would choose cake I would, too. I like your enthusiasm. Sincerely, Iloveritzcrackers

How does ice cream happen?

allah made it

What would happen if you where to put ice cream in a glass cup and then put it in the freezer would it crack?

Highly unlikely.

Why is dry ice used in ice cream carts?

To help them stay cold for people to enjoy during the summerCarbon Dioxide (or dry ice) keeps the ice-cream mixture cold enough to be a semi-solid... otherwise it would eventually melt into a creamy 'mush' !

What will happen to ice cream if it melts and sit in the sun for days?

the ice cream will get dry and sticky and will smell sour

Why does water taste so good after you eat ice cream?

Because the coldness of the ice cream cleanses your palliate. Therefore the water tastes pure because it is not contaminated with the bacteria from your mouth.

Why is ice cream inportent?

Ice cream is importent because without ice cream we would be hot in the summer and we would have to have iceys instead

What is better drinking water or ice cream?

Water because it has no sugars no carbs or no sodium and ice cream has all of that.

What would happen if you add more ice to the ice water?

Simply quantity of water will increase with proportion to the qty of ice added.