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i think it"s cotton balls because it is very absorbent

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Which objects obsorb the most water?

Sponges and cotton absorb the most water.

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Which will absorb water faster sponge or cotton ball?

A sponge will absorb water faster than a cotton ball. Sponges are designed with porous materials that can hold and retain water more efficiently compared to the fibers of a cotton ball.

What things absorb water?

Sponges, paper towels, cotton fabric, and certain types of soil can all absorb water. Materials with porous or absorbent surfaces are typically able to soak up water when placed in contact with it.

What are the examples of materials that absorb waters?

Examples of materials that absorb water include sponges, paper towels, cotton fabrics, and soil. These materials have porous structures that allow them to soak up and retain water.

Is a cotton ball more absorbent than a sponge?

No, a sponge is typically more absorbent than a cotton ball. Sponges are designed to hold more water compared to cotton balls due to their porous structure.

What objects can absorb water?

Objects that can absorb water include sponges, towels, clothes made of certain fabrics (such as cotton or linen), paper towels, and certain types of clay or soil. Absorbent materials have a porous structure that allows them to take in and retain water.

Why are cotton bath rugs better than nylon?

They absorb large amounts of water and dry quickly

Is cotton a vegetable?

I believe it is. Happy to get this information

Why are Cotton clothes better than synthetic clothes in the summer?

Cotton tends to "wick" perspiration and help it evaporate, cooling you. Most synthetics do not absorb moisture.

Does cotton absorb sweat easily?


Why should you wear cotton clothes in summers?

Alaska, North Pole, Antarctica