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Q: What will have more density the rocks or the grapes?
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What has more density a cotton ball or rocks?

cottan balls The previous answer was surely a joke. The answer is rocks.

What is the difference in density in mafic rocks in relation to felsic rocks?

Mafic rocks, such as those found in the oceanic crust, are more dense than the felsic rocks found in the continental crust.

What happens to density of rocks as it cools?

the density increases

What is the density of grapes?

About that of water. This is true of most living things.

Are rocks on the moon denser than rocks on earth?

Yes, rocks on the Moon are generally denser than rocks on Earth. This is because the Moon lacks the same geological processes that can alter rock compositions and densities over time, resulting in more uniform-density rocks.

Are sedimentary rocks high density or low density?

Sedimentary rocks typically have a lower density compared to igneous and metamorphic rocks due to their composition, which includes minerals and organic materials that are less dense.

May has 4 apples and 19 grapes how many more grapes does she have?

May has 15 more grapes than apples.

Why do some rocks float while other rocks sink?

the density

What is the density of felsic rocks?

The density of felsic rocks typically ranges from 2.6 to 2.8 g/cm3.

Are rocks that are changed by metamorphism more or less dense?

Rocks that undergo metamorphism can become either more or less dense, depending on the specific changes that occur. For example, the recrystallization of minerals during metamorphism can often lead to an increase in density, while the introduction of new minerals or pore spaces can result in a decrease in density.

What properties do all rocks have?

Rocks have color, grain, specific density, and relative hardness.

Are mafic rocks more or less dense than flesic rocks?

Mafic rocks are generally denser than felsic rocks due to their higher content of iron and magnesium minerals. This higher density is attributed to the presence of heavier elements in mafic compositions.