Dogs should never eat chocolate. It can be very bad and dangerous for them.
Either the chocolate was bad (spoiled, food poisoning, ect.) or you have an intolerance / allergy to the chocolate or an ingredient within the chocolate.
No,chocolate is bad for cats it gives them stomach pains hope it helped
Not if you don't eat too much of it. Quantity is the key.
Well I think it could be a bad idea for children to eat cheese and chocolate or most things before they go to bed it will cause nightmares. I think you can try to eat chocolate 2 to 3 hours before you go to sleep (Or more).
you can get sick.
no because he likes to eat chocolate and drink water
umm i probaly woodnt eat it it prbly went bad
Zero. Dogs can't eat chocolate. Do not give your dog chocolate.
Not at all. Any time chocolate candy is made, the chocolate is melted and solidified. Chocolate chips in chocolate chip cookies have melted and solidified.