The price for Girl Scout cookies for the years from 1995 to 1999 ranged from $2.50 to $3.00.
Each Girl Scout council determines the price of the cookies sold by Girl Scouts in their council. For 2011, most Girl Scout councils are selling cookies for either $3.50 or $4.00 per box. Use the Girl Scout Cookie Finder (see Related Links) to contact your local Girl Scout council to find out the price of their cookies.
San Francisco, California is located in the Girl Scouts of Northern California council. For the 2015 Girl Scout cookie sale, the price of cookies in Girl Scouts of Northern California is $5.00.Each Girl Scout council sets the price for their cookies and the price may change from one year to the next. You can use the Girl Scout Cookie Locator for more information about cookies and prices.
For the 2011-2012 Girl Scout Cookie Sale, the price of cookies in the Girl Scouts of Greater Chicago and Northwest Indiana council is $4.00.
The price for Girl Scout cookies in 1969, depending on the Girl Scout council, was from $0.50 to $1.00.
In 1992, Girl Scout cookies cost approximately $2.50 per box. Each Girl Scout council sets its own price for the cookies, so there was some variation in the price between councils.
35 cents per box when my sisters sold them in the mid-1950's. By the time I sold them in the mid-1960's, they were up to 50 cents per box and maybe even 60 cents the last year I sold. I remember having to have lots of change!
People in Alabama can purchase Girl Scout cookies from any Girl Scout who is selling them. They can also use the Girl Scout Cookie Finder or the Girl Scout Cookie Finder App to find the price, locations, and sale dates of the current Girl Scout Cookie Sale.Girl Scout councils determine which of two cookie bakers (ABC Cookies and Little Brownie Bakers) supply the cookies for their council. There are three Girl Scout councils in Alabama. If you want to know which baker supplies the cookies in your area, contact the local council or look at any box of Girl Scout cookies.
The first troop known to sell Girl Scout cookies was the Mistletoe Troop in Muskogee, Oklahoma in December of 1917. The girls and their mothers baked cookies in their homes. They then sold the cookies in the school cafeteria. Selling cookies was a good way to earn money to finance troop activities.
If you buy the Girl Scout cookies and take them with you to consume them, you can not deduct their price. You have purchased a product at a fair market value.If you buy Girl Scout cookies and leave them with the Girl Scouts as a donation, you may treat the purchase price of the donated cookies as a charitable contribution. If you buy the cookies and then donate them to another charitable organization, the cookies may be tax-deductible if they qualify as a donation to that organization.
In the 1920's and 1930's, cookies were made at home by the Girl Scouts and their mothers. The cookies were wrapped in wax paper bags, sealed with a sticker and sold for 25 to 35 cents per dozen.
In 1965, Girl Scout cookies sold for about 50 cents per box. Each Girl Scout council sets their own prices, so prices can vary from council to council.