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Q: What was the only way kids could protect themselves from the cheese touch?
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What happens if you touch the cheese from Diary of a Wimpy Kid?

You are stuck with the Cheese Touch until you pass it on to someone else. The only way to avoid getting the Cheese Touch is to cross your fingers.

How do plants respond to touch stimuli?

Plants respond to touch stimuli through a process called thigmotropism, where they change their growth direction in response to touch. This can help them adapt to their environment and protect themselves from potential harm.

Is the cheese touch real?


Who touches the cheese in the cheese touch in dairy of a whimpy kid?

Rowley had to eat the cheese because the teenagers from Halloween made him, but Greg lied and said he had thrown it away, therefore giving him the cheese touch.

Is cheese touch real?

At Greg's school there was a mysterious piece of super moldy cheese. No one knew how it got there, or for how long it had been festering. Once and a while, a student would get the overwhelming urge to touch it. When they touched it, everyone would say they had the cheese touch, and they would become a social outcast. People would run from them. The only way to get rid of the cheese touch was to touch someone else and pass it on.

Would you rather get the chesse touch or dye your hair green?

Cheese touch!

How di the cheese touch start in diary of a wimpy kid?

someone left a piece of cheese on the blacktop and over time it got moldier and moldier then someone touched it and started the cheese touch.

Who was the first one to get the cheese touch?

Your Mother.

Who started the cheese touch?

Darren Walsh

Why are you made out of cheese?

Because you touch yourself at night because you are a cheese sculpture you freak!!!

Can you touch people with ringworm if the people don't touch the ringworm?

Yes if his name is Cheese

What is X-14 cheese?

The X-14 Cheese is a highly dangerous and illegal cheese. Do not eat, smell, move or touch the cheese if found. It's a killer.