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Q: What was the history of Gingerbread in the Colonial Era?
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What cookies were made in Boston during colonial times?

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US history is typically divided into the following epochs: Pre-Columbian era, Colonial era, Revolutionary era, Early Republic era, Civil War era, Reconstruction era, Gilded Age, Progressive era, World War era, Cold War era, Civil Rights era, and Modern era. Each of these epochs represents significant periods of change and development in American history.

When was the colonial era?

the era was 1607- 1775.

America in the Colonial Era?

A colonial period is a period of time in a nation's history when it was under the control of a colonial power. One example is when the U.S. Colonies were under control of the British government before the Revolutionary War.

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The study of Philippine history is typically divided into different periods such as pre-colonial, Spanish colonial, American colonial, Japanese occupation, and modern era. These divisions help to organize historical events and developments in a systematic way for better understanding and analysis. Additionally, scholars may also focus on specific themes or aspects of Philippine history, such as cultural, social, economic, or political history.

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Where does the saying the gilt has worn off the gingerbread come from?

That phrase is not talking about the gingerbread you eat! Victorian Era houses had a lot of decorative woodwork that was called "gingerbread" because it looked a bit like the decorative gingerbread houses people make. If your gingerbread on your house had gold leaf rubbed on, it was gilded, or gilt. "The gilt has worn off the gingerbread" thus means that time has passed and the decorations aren't as pretty - in other words, the newness has worn off.

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