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Q: What was the first vegetable to be canned commercially?
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Was asparagus the first frozen vegetable?

The first commercially available frozen vegetable was spinach or peas.

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No, unless it is commercially packaged (i.e. canned).

Can you give dogs canned vegetable?

yes u can

How long can canned corn last?

Commercially canned corn should last up to three years.

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I would say fresh vegetables, but it depends on the source / nature of the vegetable and other canned items

Where does vegetable curry come from?

Vegetable soup can be homemade, with fresh, frozen, or canned vegetables. Or, it can be bought pre-made in cans at a grocery store.

What is the one vegetable that is never sold frozen canned or cooked but only fresh?

I'm not positive, but I've never seen canned or frozen cucumbers:)