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Q: What was the first brand of crisp?
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Why do they call Coco Crisp Coco Crisp?

Hi first name is Covelli and his last name is Crisp, Coc Crisp

What brand of tie is considered the most stylish?

Almost any tie can be stylish, not specific to a brand, but whether it looks sharp with a crisp suit.

What does it mean if the first sound of the heart is not as crisp as it should be?

crisp lol its a potatoe chip sorry for not taking it seriously

What brand makes the clearest sounding instruments?

Any Gage violin will sound great, and will have a very crisp sound.

What is the part of speech for crisp?

The word "crisp" can be both an adjective and a noun. As an adjective, it describes something firm and dry. As a noun, it refers to a thin, flat food made by baking a batter or dough mixture.

What is Crisp Attucks known for?

The first person to be killed in the Boston massacre.

Where were Kit Kats first sold?

It was first sold in Great Britain in September, 1935 as Rowntree's Chocolate Crisp.

What is your favorite lager beer brand and why do you prefer it over others?

My favorite lager beer brand is Stella Artois because of its smooth taste and crisp finish. I prefer it over others because of its consistent quality and refreshing flavor.

How do you use crisp in a sentence?

My, that bacon is certainly crisp. I fell out of my chair on a crisp September morning. The girl handed me one hundred crisp bills. The bed linens were crisp and neatly folded. Mr. Doinko delivered a crisp message to the alumni.

Mass of an average crisp?

The mass of a single crisp is milligramThe mass of a bag of crisp is gramHope this helps

What has the author JoAnn Crisp-Ellert written?

JoAnn Crisp-Ellert has written: 'JoAnn Crisp-Ellert'

Can you use crisp in a sentence?

give me an sentence with crisp