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Q: What vice president was referred to as eggplant?
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Are former vice presidents still called mr vice president?

No. Former vice presidents are referred to with the highes honorific they had achieved prior to becoming vice president. Example - a Vice President that was a Senator before becoming Vice President would be referred to as Mr. Senator after he left the Vice Presidential office.

Vice President to President automatically is defined as what?

Can it be referred to as "gravitating " to the higher office?

Who is vice president in the Senate?

there is no vice president of the senate. The vice president of the united states presides over the senate as the president of the senate ex officio. The highest ranking senator serves as the president pro tempore (sometimes referred to as tem) and presides in the absence of the president ex officio / vice president

Why is the vice-president sometimes referred to as the spare tire?

If something ever happens to the president, the vice president will be there to take charge just as a spare tire is there in case the other tires fail

Who is the deputy president of America?

the deputy president can also be referred to as the vice president and her name is Kamala Harris

What is the president's position within the executive branch?

* President * Vice-president* President * Vice-president* President * Vice-president* President * Vice-president* President * Vice-president* President * Vice-president

What is the only specific duty of the vice president?

The Vice President's role in the US Senate is to be the offical tie breaker if a tie on the floor shall occur. He is also referred to as the President of the Senate. Al Gore was the last vice president to break a tie on the Senate floor.(S.Menzel)luke dylan mayes

What is the Vice Presidents role in the senate?

There is no such office as vice president of the Senate. The Vice President of the United States presides over the Senate and is thus often referred to as the President of the Senate. In that capacity, the Vice President presides over the Senate when it is in session. In that capacity, the Vice President's most notable role is to cast the deciding vote in the event of a tie vote on the floor of the Senate.

Who is the second ranking member of the executive branch?

Vice President

If the president can no longer serve who can be president?

vice president until presidents term is up.

Persons elected to cast a state's vote in the electoral college for us president and vice president are called what?

The electoral college is a group of people who are selected every four years to make the formal selection of President and Vice-President. These men and women are referred to as the Presidential electors.

How is the vice-president elected?

The vice president is selected by the canidates and if they win the vice president they chose becomes vice president.