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The Arabic word "Amani" is mentioned in the following verses:

  1. "And among them are unlettered ones who do not know the Scripture except in wishful thinking, but they are only assuming." (2:78)
  2. "And they say, "None will enter Paradise except one who is a Jew or a Christian." That is [merely] their wishful thinking, Say, "Produce your proof, if you should be truthful." (2:111)
  3. "Paradise is not [obtained] by your wishful thinking nor by that of the People of the Scripture. Whoever does a wrong will be recompensed for it, and he will not find besides Allah a protector or a helper" (4:123)
  4. "The hypocrites will call to the believers, "Were we not with you?" They will say, "Yes, but you afflicted yourselves and awaited [misfortune for us] and doubted, and wishful thinkingdeluded you until there came the command of Allah. And the Deceiver deceived you concerning Allah." (57:14)
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Q: What verses have the word amani in the Qur'an?
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