Native Americans grew many things but the three main crops they grew are all vegetables, and they are corn, beans, and squash. These three vegetables are also known as the three sisters. (Native Americans call corn maize.)
Root vegetables are those that grow in the ground. The most common to Americans are; carrots, potatoes, radishes, and beets.
Early Americans typically ate very plain meals. Many times these meals included fruits and vegetables along with very simply cooked meats.
Vegetables. But there are many different substances that your body demands. Only eating vegetables will cause adeficiency in protein among others.
Most Americans do not think that they can get proper nourishment as vegetarians. The people that are interested in vegetarianism often find how difficult it is to find vegetables that are high in the required proteins that are found in animal meat, and opt out.
Eat 2 cups of fruit and 2.5 cups of vegetables each day
green beans, cabbage, green peas, spinnach,silver beet ( Americans call it char),broad beans,
There are several foods that would be considered daily normal ones that Americans eat. They include bread, eggs, potatoes, meat, vegetables, fruits, cereals, cheese, and milk.
They helped them to grow crops in the "New World" and gave them corn and other vegetables to grow and plant.
Food sources for Native Americans of the northwest differed from those of the Native Americans living in the west and southwest because those in the northwest had plenty of seafood. They were able to supplement the meat that they hunted, and the vegetables they grew with fish, and shellfish.
It's because most Americans eat a "goo and glue" diet of processed fatty foods, fast foods, and very little fiber. Most of us don't eat enough fresh fruits and vegetables, so all that junk we eat stays in our guts. Therefore, most Americans are full of crap!