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Hello, I would say elodia. Its a pretty good allround plant and its a fairly narrow but leafy plant too so ud have no trouble sitting it ontop of the water or planting it in the gravel. Most places sell them in strands too that will cost about 80cents AUSD. Anyway, hope this helps :oD

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17y ago
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15y ago

Bettas will rip up plant material for inclusion in their nests but they do not eat plants. They eat small crustacea and insect larvae naturally. I guess that makes them a mix of carnivorous and insectivorous.

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14y ago

They are reputed to live mainly in the Rice Paddies, so Rice would be one of them Floating species is the Ceratopteris species also come from the Far Eastern Tropics so they would be there in both the fine leafed and the broad leafed types forms. There would also be a number of other water plants like Aponogeton, Sagitaria and Vallisnaria.

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11y ago

Amazon Swords and Java Fern do great.The swords like moderate lighting though,while the java fern does excellent in ambient room lighting and gives the betta a place to rest.They do not stay neutrally bouyant and exert energy when the have to swim up for air.

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14y ago

Chinese evergreens.Ask your pet store if they sell these,coz its do only plant dat i know of that bettas are comfortable with

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12y ago

Any. Preferably ones with broad, large leaves.

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13y ago

Of course the class i monitor has a tiny tank (from Pet cetera) with a cute beta it has gravels and a small plastic plant!

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11y ago

Any plant that is not aquarium safe should not be placed with a betta

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12y ago


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