Eine Mirabelle ist eine kleine, gelbe, süße Frucht. A mirabelle is a small, yellow, sweet fruit.
A mirabelle is a small yellow plum grown primarily in France.
Mirabelle Lee's birth name is Mirabelle Beatrice Lee.
Mama Mirabelle's Home Movies was created in 2006.
The duration of Mama Mirabelle's Home Movies is 660.0 seconds.
Mirabelle Lee was born on January 9, 2007, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
Mourning After Mirabelle - 2008 is rated/received certificates of: USA:R
There are many places where one can purchase a mirabelle tree. One can purchase a mirabelle tree at popular on the web sources such as Rain Tree Nursery and Orange Pippin.
In Da Mama Mirabelle TV Series She Lives In Africa
"la mirabelle" is a species of plum, with a delicate taste and a yellow colour. 80% of the world's production is harvested in Lorraine, an eastern region of France. Apparently, the English name would simply be "mirabelle plum". Link goes to Wikipedia article.
In IOH, Mirabelle expands her house and gets sheep after you buy the sheers, milker, brush, and bell.