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Q: What type of fish is a dangerous delicacy for sushi eaters if not correctly prepared?
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What are the release dates for Dangerous Encounters - 2005 Man Eaters?

Dangerous Encounters - 2005 Man Eaters was released on: USA: 14 February 2012

Why wasn't mafatu completely prepared for the arrival of the eaters-of-men?


What or who is a lion dangerous to?

Lions are dangerous to humans and other animals. Basicly lions are dangerous to everything, and everyone because they are meat eaters.

Summary of the dog- eaters by Leoncio P Deriada?

"The Dog Eaters" by Leoncio P. Deriada is a novel set in a fictional village in the Philippines where dog meat is a delicacy. The story explores themes of poverty, superstition, and the clash between tradition and modernity. It follows the lives of various characters as they navigate the challenges of their society.

Are leopards dangerous?

yes there are very dangerous they are good at stalking prey you wont even know they are there.Yes

Were more plant-eaters or meat-eaters?

meat - eaters

Are reindeers plant-eaters or meat-eaters?


Were more dinosaurs plant eaters or plant eaters?

More dinosaurs were plant eaters than meat eaters. That is because there is more food for plant eaters than for meat eaters.

Are there poisonous snakes in Maine?

Besides people, the moose is the most dangerous animal in Maine. While they are plant eaters and not people eaters, they are MUCH bigger than you are, have hooves and antlers, and hitting one with your car will not end well.

What month is popcorn eaters month?

April is the month of chocolate eaters hot dog eaters popcorn eaters

what part of speech is the word eaters in the sentence They are extremely fast eaters?

Eaters is a noun.

What animal can eat any animal?

Human beings can eat any as long as they prepare it correctly. I believe you are referring generally to Carnivores (meat-eaters). An Omnivore eats plants AND meats.