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In the sentence 'The Pizza Marcus made you was delicious,' the type of complement 'you' is is called a direct object.

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Q: What type of complement is you in this sentence The pizza Marcus made you were delicious?
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A good sentence for pizza, whether used as a concluding sentence or some other way is "Have some delicious, cheesy pizza with your choice of toppings today!"

How do you say pizza is delicious in Italian?

pizza è deliziosa

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because they are pockets of pizza and y not?

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Pizza. Because they are DELICIOUS!

Why do you eat pizza?

You eat pizza because it is a type of food.It is delicious and easy to prepare.

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Tasty, delicious, greasySome adjectives for pizza: warmcheesyyummyroundflatsupreme

What is an example of noun complement?

There are two kinds of complements, subject complements and object complements.Subject Complement: A subject complement is the adjective, noun, or pronoun that follows a linking verb; it is normally an adjective or a noun that renames or defines in some way the subject. Don't mistake a subject complement for a direct object, only linking verbs can have subject complements.Their pizzas are delicious. (adjective)Margaret is class president. (noun)Mr. Lincoln is our civics teacher. (noun)Object Complement: An object complement is a noun, pronoun, or adjective which follows a direct object and renames it or tells what the direct object has become.They make pizza that is delicious. (adjective)They elected Margaret class president. (noun)That was Mr. Lincoln, my civics teacher. (noun)

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What is 'delicious pizza' when translated from English to Italian?

Pizza deliziosa is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "delicious pizza." The feminine singular noun and adjective literally translate by word order into English as "pizza delicious" since Italian generally puts an adjective after its noun. The pronunciation will be "PEET-tsa DEY-lee-TSYO-sa" in Italian.