Milk duds have caramel and whoppers have milk and dryness inside them. Milk duds 2012 Mitt Romney ftw
I believe the name is called Milk Duds! but that's just one candy named after a cow!
They wanted a perfectly round candy and since that couldn't be done then they were called "DUDS"
Cows don't lay eggs, or milk duds. Cows have calves and produce milk. Bulls produce semen to fertilize the cows.
Are Milk Duds made in a peanut free factory? no, they are not. the payday bar is made in the same factory.
Milk Duds have bovine flops in them and in some areas have been called bovine flops. Cowtails also have bovine in them.
Milk Duds
milk duds
Milk Duds
Milk Duds.
yes, but i wouldn't recommend it
Yes they are gluten free