If the fish can not free itself you will have to break the shell open very carefully and release the fish otherwise it will die. Then get rid of all useless rubbish in the tank. All the fish needs is some gravel on the bottom for the plants to grow in and enough light for the plants to grow, and maybe some rocks too. Then you need to follow the basic rules of fishkeeping. The minimum standards that all fish must have in order to survive.. :-1 inch of fish needs a minimum of 1 gallon of water. (a goldfish is a 10 inch fish). :- Every tank must have a permanently running 'cycled' filter. :- Every tank must also have at least 50% of its water replaced every week.
90% No, They stays at the bottom and will only eat things that is below their mouth, so only foods that sink. In some cases like guppy fry get stuck in gravel, the corys might eat them as the fry is below their mouth.
try to avoid gravel as the small stones can get stuck in the hoof try hardening creams like cornercrescene etc
It is best to use pea sized gravel or sand. This is safe for them to eat as it will pass through them easier than gravel which can get stuck in their digestive system.
Catfish eat using there mouth. Most are bottom feeders. They usually gulp or suck in gravel, take everything they want off it and spit out the gravel.
I would not use gravel that has been laying around outside, as it might be contaminated with harmful chemicals like pesticides, oils, fertilizers, etc. However I frequently use bagged pea gravel bought from the local hardware store. It is very inexpensive and has a nice, natural look. But unlike the clean, prepared gravel you buy at pet stores, pea gravel will be very dirty. You must rinse and rinse and rinse it to clean it properly. Pour some in a clean bucket and rinse repeatedly with the garden hose while stirring the gravel until the water runs absolutely clear.
get it out
Yes it is.
Eating gravel is extremely dangerous and can cause damage to your teeth, mouth, throat, and digestive system. It can lead to choking, internal injuries, and blockages. Gravel is not meant to be consumed and should be kept away from the mouth at all times.
It is a fear of peanut butter getting stuck to the roof of your mouth.It is a fear of peanut butter getting stuck to the roof of your mouth.It is a fear of peanut butter getting stuck to the roof of your mouth.It is a fear of peanut butter getting stuck to the roof of your mouth.It is a fear of peanut butter getting stuck to the roof of your mouth.It is a fear of peanut butter getting stuck to the roof of your mouth.
That is called a river 'delta'.