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When freezing food, we mainly think about keeping the food very cold so that bacteria and fungus does not eat away on the food.

Most bacteria almost stop multiplying already at -5 degrees Celsius.

What most people does not think about is the air around us. It brings another aspect to food keeping. Oxidation. The components of the frozen food actually react with the air (mainly oxygen). The colder the food is kept, the slower this reaction works.

Most today's freezers keep food at -18 Degrees Celsius (approx 0 F). When using airtight containers or wrappings around the food, then this is very good for even long term keeping of food. (1 year should be no problem in most cases).

Most food does not keep noticeably better at lower temperatures. The most important is to use airtight containers and bags so that your food does not react with oxygen present.

A trick worth gold on fish is to freeze it solid, then spray it gently with water all over so that it get "glazed" with a layer of ice all over. Put back into freezer in a plastic bag or whatever useful. It will keep a lot better that way.

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10y ago

Frozen foods should be stored at 0 degrees. That is the temperature that your freezer should be kept at.

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-30*C. Or -22*F.

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Q: What temperature should frozen food be stored at?
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What temperature should frozen food be stored?

Ideally, frozen food should be stored at 0°F or below.

Where is frozen foods stored?

Frozen food is stored in a deep freeze.

What temperature should frozen food be stored below?

For longer shelf life of frozen food, store it below 0 degrees Fahrenheit (-18 C). Make sure the packaging is appropriate for freezer storage. It should be tightly wrapped with an impermeable membrane. This will help prevent drying out, freezer burn and picking up strange flavors and odors.

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Leftover food should be reduced to room temperature before storing. It can be refrigerated or frozen.

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It is not safe to consume chicken which has been allowed to reach room temperature and then refrozen. This is often the cause of food poisoning. Once a food has reached room temperature it should be thoroughly cooked and then eaten or allowed to cool and then stored in a refridgerator.

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Fresh purchased grocery food should immediately refrigerated, frozen, or stored. This would depend on the type of grocery food.

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Technically, frozen food can be stored indefinitely and still be edible. Nutritional value and flavor eventual decay and this process is accelerated with a self-defrosting freezer because the food is not stored at a constant temperature. Frozen omelets should remain flavorful and edible (relatively speaking) for 8 to 12 weeks in the freezer, if wrapped to be airtight to prevent freezer burn or ice crystallization build up. Beyond that the quality will start to suffer.

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