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A good temperature is anywhere from 74 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit (23 to 28 degrees Celsius).

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Q: What temperature should a plecostomus fish be kept at?
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What is the scientific name of the fish plecostomus?

A Plecostomus is a Tropical Fish from South America. They are often called "Sucker Fish" because they are seen sucking on the glass. They feed mainly on algae and/or algae wafers when they are kept as pets.

Can plecostumus fish be harmful to your koi fish and sturgeons?

Koi are a cold water fish as are Sturgeon. Plecostomus are a tropical fish so they should not be kept together in the first place. Plecostomus are a large but peacefull algae eating fish and they are no real threat to any other fish.

What temperature should bettas fish be kept at?

Betta fish should be kept in water 72-82'F(22-28'C).

Why do Oscar fish need to live alone?

Oscars should be kept alone so they don't eat any of your other fish of fight with other Oscars. Oscars also grow very fast and as they do they become more and more aggressive. They can sometimes be kept with a large plecostomus if your tank has plenty of room.

Can a kissing fish be kept in a fish bowl?

No, they need air, filtrtion and regulated temperature. Not many fish can be kept in bowls.

Which plecostamus can go with goldfish?

No. They require totally different conditions. Goldfish are cold water fish and should not be kept in water above 70F. Plecostomus sp come from the tropics and should be kept in water above 75F. If you keep them together one or the other will be in conditions that do not suit it so it will probably sicken and die.

Can a guppie live with a goldfish?

A guppie is a tropical fish and should be kept in an aquarium with other tropical fish, a goldfish is kept in a bowl or tank in cold water - the 2 cannot be kept together because of the different in the temperature of the water

What temperature do mollies like the water in their fish bowl?

Water temperature in the aquarium should be kept in the 75-80 F range.

Can molly fish babies survive with goldfish?

Mollies are tropical fish and should be kept above 70F. Goldfish are coldwater fish and should be kept below 70F. They should NEVER be kept together.

Can Loricariids live in bowls?

They are tropical fish. But are found to be more tolerable of temperature. If the surounding air temperature is kept reasonable and therefore the bowls water is kept a reasonable temperature then it is possible, but most of these types of fish grow rather large in time.

Can goldfish be kept with tropical fish?

Well, the correct answer is no. But when I kept my tank at room temperature, I had no problems.

How long will vacuum packed fish last at room temperature?

Vacuum packed fish should not be kept at room temperature for more than 2 hours. It is recommended to refrigerate or freeze vacuum-packed fish to maintain freshness and prevent bacterial growth.