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about 100 tea spoons of sugar


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10y ago

you melt the sugar then you let it cool and it goes hard.

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Q: What sugar makes the largest rock candy?
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Is rock candy a rock?

No. Rock candy is crystallized sugar.

Is rock candy nutritious?

As nutritious as pure sugar. Rock Candy is 100% sugar, crystallized.

Can rock candy be made with cotton candy sugar?


What are the science concept to rock candy?

rock candy is formed in a supersaturated solution of sugar & water.

What are the related science concept to rock candy?

rock candy is formed in a supersaturated solution of sugar & water.

Is powder sugar one of the ingredients in rock candy?

No, but regular sugar is

What is a word that starts with rock and means boiled sugar?

rock candy

How does sugar become rock candy?

sugar becomes rock candy when it is added with water. Once it is added with water you wait till the water evaporates thus having the sugar be left behind. Once the sugar is left be hind it hardens and forms into hard crystals we know today as rock candy.

Can you make rock candy with white sugar?


What is a name for Boiled sugar that has rock in it?

rock candy Note that there are not actually rocks in the candy. The name comes from the crystalline structure.

Why did the person make rock candy?

Donald Fredi made rock candy because he was trying to make a sugar drink.

Why do you have to melt sugar to make rock candy?

You dont. When you boil it in water, the sugar dissolves. Then let cool and evaporate and provide a crystallization seed, e.g. a thread. The sugar will cristallize out in large crystals as rock candy.