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The best stage for using bananas for making banana bread is when the bananas are very ripe. This allows the bananas to become very soft but sweet, which helps add flavour to the bread.

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Q: What stage should the bananas used in banana bread be in?
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Does a banana stay fresh in a fridge or in room temperature?

Bananas ripen very quickly: within three days outside the fridge. Once it speckles, that's prime eating stage, it will be ready for banana bread. Refrigeration has no effect on maintaining freshness of the fruit. The skin of a banana will turn black if you put it in the fridge.

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A great thing to eat before going on stage is bananas, spaghetti, and almonds to keep your energy up!

What are the stages of banana development?

Flowering stage: Bananas start as flowers that develop into fruit. Fruit development stage: After pollination, the flower turns into a fruit and begins to grow in size. Ripening stage: The fruit matures on the plant and changes color from green to yellow.

Should you put bananas in the refrigerator or should they go on a banana hanger?

Yes, you can put bananas in the refrigerator, but note that it SLOWS the ripening process. Refrigerate bananas when the banana reaches the stage of ripeness that you prefer. The peel will darken, but the banana inside will remain firm and delicious. They will also keep for a longer time in a refrigerator.

How does starch delays the ripening of banana?

Starch in unripe bananas converts to sugars as the fruit ripens, but it also helps to slow down the ripening process by acting as a barrier to the enzyme that breaks down the cell walls in the fruit. This helps maintain the firmness and green color of the banana for a longer period before it starts to soften and turn yellow.

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Why does a banana ripen faster in cold temperature?

THE BANANA RIPENS FASTER IN COLD WATHER BECAUSE IT'S TEMPETURE IS MAKING IT NOT MOULDY. AND IF IT'S IN THE SUN IT'S GONNA GET DRIED UP AND ITS NOT GOING 2 RIPEN....THE BANANA RIPENS FASTER IN COLD WATHER BECAUSE IT'S TEMPETURE IS MAKING IT NOT MOULDY. AND IF IT'S IN THE SUN IT'S GONNA GET DRIED UP AND ITS NOT GOING 2 RIPEN....THE BANANA RIPENS FASTER IN COLD WATHER BECAUSE IT'S TEMPETURE IS MAKING IT NOT MOULDY. AND IF IT'S IN THE SUN IT'S GONNA GET DRIED UP AND ITS NOT GOING 2 RIPEN....THE BANANA RIPENS FASTER IN COLD WATHER BECAUSE IT'S TEMPETURE IS MAKING IT NOT MOULDY. AND IF IT'S IN THE SUN IT'S GONNA GET DRIED UP AND ITS NOT GOING 2 RIPEN....First of all, all of you people who believe a person too lazy to type (no offense FYI im just a kid) It is wrong so SCRATCH THAT ANSWER. Bananas ripen faster in a warmer temperature. I have just completed a science fair project in bananas. A banana emits a gas called ethylene and if you have not realized it when a banana is in the sun it ripens faster causing the decomposition stage to move quicker. The correct question to this answer is "Will a banana last longer in warmer temperatures or in cooler temperatures"? The answer to that question is above,But if you would like to ripen your bananas quickly simply leave them in a warm temperatured place or a place giving direct sunlight.From yours truly,( a 6th grader)

What are the stages of growth of bananas?

Planting stage Desucking Stage Trunk development stage Flowering Stage Bunch Formation & Development stage Pre harvest stage

What would happen to bananas if frozen in mid ripening stage?

When Unfrozen, they would rot quicker.

Why does a banana's skin look like it is still green while the inside is ripening?

Bananas produce ethylene gas as they ripen, which triggers the breakdown of chlorophyll in the skin, causing it to turn yellow. However, the breakdown of chlorophyll can occur unevenly, leading to some areas still appearing green even as the fruit ripens on the inside.

What happens during the proving stage of bread making?

Alot of people got diarrhea

What does 'No-Time-Dough' mean and what are the side-effects of bread additives?

its a short cut to make a bread in the industry...where proving is done just the final stage