Hair stylists need adequate training in hair styling, business, and hair product knowledge. This is usually accomplished through cosmetology school, though in some states it can also be obtained as part of an apprenticeship program. Trained hair stylists need to be licensed in each state.
An employee should have knowledge and skills in the field in which they are working. If the person is working with the public they will need to have speaking skills.
Such as: checking with your supervisor about the work you are expected to carry out and the standard you need to achieve, the safety points to be aware of and the skills and knowledge you will need to develop.
They need to have good people and communication skills.
When reflecting on work activities, you may see areas where you need to gain more knowledge in skills and practices for your job. Perhaps you need better computer skills, or your math skills might need work.
you need to be fit and alert. you must have ball skills and knowledge for the game.
No. That's the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills!!!!
fire and theft, comprehensive and accident
accountability use of local knowledge and skills
Have a basic knowledge of statistics and the properties of a circle
how to sing, hopefully how to play an instrament, relitivly good looks, people skills, money skills, and close friends
planting knowledge would have to know and or be a farmer and be able to build