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The phrase means "what are you thinking about?"

To answer, simply tell them what you are thinking about, in whatever level of detail and accuracy you feel like giving them.

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Q: What should you say if someone asks you what's in your mind?
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um that was a bad answer you should try being nice to them and try to flirt if that is really whats on your mind you should be focusing on grades and work but if thats where your mind goes then fine

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It can be, but you should try other things. Ask the person to think about something, like a phrase, and try to guess what it is. Try different things. See if you can read peoples mind who you dont talk to. If you can still read their mind, then its telepathy.

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you know that you have had a crush or have a crush at the moment if you think about that special someone frequently. think about it, does his name immediately come to mind when one of your friends asks you who you like?

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To inquire is to ask questions. An inquiring mind wonders about things and asks questions. An inquiring mind is a curious mind.

Is it impolite to ask someone to stop finishing your sentences for you?

no it is not because you have the right to speek whats ever on your mind and to say something n someone completes gets very annoying. plus they dont even know if what they said is right!

How to get someone who you do not want to come to change their mind?

i think you should let them come because it is rude to change their mind just so your happy.

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curious by midnight star

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Dreaming lets your mind be creative. When you dream about someone it can mean they are thinking about you.

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It means that when you love someone that it doesnt matter what they look like but what is on the inside. And since Cupid is painted blind he doesnt love with his eyes but with his mind (he loves whats on the inside) =]