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You need to separate the newborn fry from other larger fish or you risk having all your fry eaten. Fry from livebearers (guppies, swordtails, platties, mollies, etc.) can accepts powered flake food, other live foods such as baby brine shrimp are excellent foods, feed a small amount every 3 to 4 hours during the day.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

The very first thing you should do is place the pregnant guppy in a smaller, gravel-free tank. This tank should be filtered with a filter that won't suck in any babies, so choose a gentle filter. A heater is also highly recommended. Then, if you choose to, you can buy a breeding box. These boxes consist of two compartments-the top one is where your female guppy will stay while giving birth, and the babies are automatically dropped into the second compartment, being protected from the mom. They need to be protected from their mother because she will eat them. If you opt against the breeding box, then make sure there are plenty of floating plants in your breeding aquarium (the separate aquarium you move your pregnant guppy to). It should be an extremely densely-planted aquarium, as the guppy babies might get a chance to hide from their mom by hiding in the plants. I think the breeding box is your best bet, though, if you want to save all of the babies. However, do note that guppies give way more babies than most people expect and want-if you want a controlled population, do not use a breeding box. By eating some of them, the adult guppy will decrease the guppy population to a manageable number. Good luck!

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βˆ™ 16y ago

You need to separate them from all other fish or they will be eaten.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

She will be solitary for a little while before...less active than usual. She will have dark gravid spots and you might be able to see the eyes of the fries.

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Q: What should you do when your guppies and tetra fish just had babies?
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Do guppies eat neons fish?

Guppies will eat neons tetra babies but are not large enough to eat fully grown neons.

Can a clown fish live in a tank with a tetra and a guppie?

No, clown fish are marine fish and tetra and guppies are freshwater fish.

What fish can live with guppies?

Bristlenose catfish (normal or albino), mollies, swordtails, black widows, some tetra species and sometimes bumblebee gobbies. There are many fish compatible with guppies.

How much babies can a tetra fish have?

2 apples

What are the top10 fish for aquarium?

Angelfish Discus Koi Neon tetra Guppies Paradise fish Swordtails Gouramis Barbs Betta fish

Who eat guppies?

Adult guppies eat their own babies, and fish like tuna eat guppies.

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What kind of tropical fish is good for a tiny tank and how many?

Guppies ,mollies ,neon tetra, etc. about 3 each.

What are cheap tropical fish?

some very cheap tropical fish are guppies, danios, white clouds, and many species of tetra can be very cheap. also, if you are just looking for any fish, not neccessarily "pretty" i would go with feeder guppies.

Will gupy fish eat their young?

Yes, guppies will eat their young. This is why you should separate the guppy fry from their parents and any other fish if you want to save the babies.

Do differtent kind of guppies get along with other guppies?

Provided you keep to the basic rules of. :- 1 inch of fish needs a minimum of 1 gallon of water. Every tank needs a permanently running cycled filter. Every tank need at least 50% of its water replaced every week. You can mix many different species with guppies. A few suggestions are fish from the following family groups. Tetras, Barbs, Danios, Rasboras, Dwarf Cichlids, Anabantids and Corydoras. There are many others but your local pet shop should be able to advise you.

What do guppies eat other than fish food?

Guppies and their fries, their babies, eat mostly - Duckweed, Elodea, and Algae.I hope this helps!