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Be happy that you weren't there when he ate it and go buy more food.

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Q: What should you do when a bear eats all your food?
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From where does a bear get its energy?

Generally, they use energy as we and all aninals do, they move, they keep their bodies warm, they digest their food, and they metabolize food into more energy.

An example of a food chain that would occur in a pond?

A example of a food chain in a pond would be the grass at the bottom and the bugs eat the grass and the frog eats the bugs and the fish eats the frog and a bigger fish eat the fish and the snake eats the fish and last of all the the owl eats the snake and hawk attacks and kills the owl to get the snake

When a brown bear eats a salmon does the bear acquire all the energy contained in the body of the fish Why or why not?

When a brown bear eats a salmon it does not acquire all the energy contained in the body of the fish. This is because the bear's body is not efficient enough to obtain all of the energy from what eat eats. When the cells covert the protein of the fish into energy, it looses most of the useful energy in the process (the second law of thermodynamics proves this).

What do you call an animal that eats all food types?

An animal that eats all food types is called an omnivore.

What is a bears food chain?

Bears eats all types of food including man,vegetables etc well a grizzly bear eats small fish like trout so their food chain would be similar to Bear > Salmon > smaller fish > tiny shrimp > algae but a polar bear is a bit different bear > seals > penguins > squid > shrimp > plankton although all of the animals (including bears) eat other animals/plants but in a food chain like theese you just choose one. if you want a more in-depth one with all of the bears etc. food sources just google it or something..

What is a animal that eats food?

All animals need food to survive.

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First of all, you have a misspell, it should say: Do all Mexicans eat Mexican food? And no, not every Mexican eats Mexican food, some are vegeterians, but they eat Italian, American, Arabic, etc, food too..

What types of animals eats all food?

an omnivore

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What could happen if a component of your food web is removed?

If a species of plant or animal in the food web was completely removed, there will probably be another to take it's place. Say that grass is removed from the food web. What eats grass? When a cow goes to eat grass, there is none. The cow would not die right away, but eventually it would. Who eats cows? People do. Large animals do.The mountain lions wouldn't be able to eat. They would die. You have grass. The grasshopper eats the grass. The fish eats the grasshopper. The bird eats the fish. The snake eats the bird. The bear eats the snake. We eat the bear. If you remove one place, than the next one just gets jacked up. Hope my point of veiw helped!

How a worm get its energy?

From the food it eats (like all other animals).