

Best Answer
pick it up again and put it where it belongs. Answer
I poured mine out twice into my plants when I was cleaning his water. He survived both times, but needless to say, I don't do that any longer. Answer
buy a new one Answer
This fish lady said they like to go 4 a ride but i would still be scared but put it in its bowl and if it doesnt look to good take it to a fish shop and get it checked out. Answer
I was cleaning out my beta tank and he went down the garbage disposal so i turned on the water and popped right back up and i put him in his talk and he liked for another year and a half. Answer
I had an beta that jumped out of his tank and landed behind my bed. So I had to pull my bed back fast and put him in the tank before he died. Answer

Aside from the physical injuries, such as breaking their back, or if they're dropped in anything that could harm them, like dirt or heavy dust, or any chemical, the Betta will be just fine.
Bettas come from shallow streams in Siam (they're Siamese fighting fish, not Japanese or Chinese as most people think--and I thought). These streams get so shallow, they have to flip over on their sides to keep each side wet. I've been told they can live outside of water for up to two hours. I worked in a fish department, and while I've never kept one out of water for so long, 'just to see,' some have fallen while I was working and didn't notice, and I found them alive and healthy as much as 15-20 minutes later. This doesn't mean I reccommend trying it!!!


Another common observation after dropping a betta is poor swim coordination when back in water. If the fish suffers impact during the fall, his swim bladder gets 'the wind knocked out' of him and he has trouble righting himself. He may be in danger of drowning so a good trick is to lower the water level for him so he doesn't have to work so hard to get to the surface and keep an eye on him for respiration problems. Once he refills his air bladder, he generally recovers nicely and his tank can be refilled.

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14y ago
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16y ago

hard to tell from the question you posted but bettas like many fish sometimes behave strangely.. as long as its eating and swimming around every now and then your probably okay... imagine your trapped in one room for 30 days... you'd get bored and act strange too..... I always advocate to let your bettas SEE you... they can be shy at 1st but they are easily trained. for example the ones I have on my desk at work would flee from me when I 1st got them... but i "trained" leaving the light off most of the time... and only turning it on when its feeding time... so they quickly associated "lights on" or day with eating... and thus easily became friendly.. I can now turn the light on with no food and they still come to the front to greet me. also they seem to benefit from being able to see a silouette of the other thru the opal divider or use a mirror from time to time to let them see themselves.. they love that...

One important thing to remember... fish do sleep. bettas are no different.. the strange thing about bettas is they may sleep at the top of the water as if they were dead or they may sleep on a leaf as if they were dead or they may sleep on the bottom or even turn sideways or even upside down.. again as if they were dead ( or bored out of their minds) but I find as soon as they SEE you they spring up and greet you...hope this helps

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15y ago

If your Betta fish is very sick, then try to find some cures.If your Betta fish is already in heaven, look on the bright side. He/She will be with their mother or father and possibly brothers and/or sisters. They will be in a place where there is no more suffering, pain, or freezing. No more waiting to be with beloved family. Now, about what to do with your betta's body. You can find a small box and put your beloved friend in it, then bury it. You can visit him/her every day, and you could put your betta's name on a block of wood or carve your friend's name into a rock and it could be like a tombstone. Or, like careless betta owners, flush them down the toilet or throw them away, put them in the garbage disposle in your sink, then push the button,etc.Anyway, remember, your betta always loves you.

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12y ago
dead beta fishthe answer is simple. get a new one

you can also bury it and can make feritleiser or dirt if you leave it.

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Can cats eat betta fish?

No, it is not safe for cats to eat betta fish. Betta fish contain toxins from their skin that can be harmful to cats if ingested. It is best to keep the two animals separated to ensure their safety.

Will betta fish eat crackers?

I believe you mean Betta fish. No, it should be fine. You can treat you Betta fish by giving them bloodworms!

What Can kill a betta fish other than a betta fish?

Well, if you love your Betta fish, then it should live by itself. But if you add another Betta to your current Betta fish's tank, then they will start a fight because Betta Fish are Siamese fighting fish and if one Betta is in contact of another Betta, the possible reason would be a fight between them two.

Should you get a betta fish and are thay boring?

If you want an active fish that moves around a lot then a Betta is not for you.

What if your betta fish get in a fight?

Betta fish get in fights with fish with colorful fins and bodies. If your betta gets in a fight while your away,the weaker fish may die. But if you see your betta fight with another fish you should try to split the two fish apart [or all the fish that are fighting].

Can a betta fish survive a 4 foot drop?

Into water, yes. Land, probably.

What is the drop you put in a fish yank to clean tap water?

betta h20 conditioner

Should you feed your betta fish when you get home?

You should feed your betta 3-4 times a week.

Can betta fish and glow in the dark fish be in the same tank?

Female Betta fish can be fairly good community style fish and should be fine. Male Bettas would massacre the community.

I have a betta fish and he lives in a 2 gallon fish bowl. I clean it every week but he twitches a lot what should I do?

That's perfectly normal for a betta.

How many fish can a betta eat?

Betta fish do not eat fish.

What preys on betta fish?

other Betta fish and the bigger fish.