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A tiger shark is the most likely to kill someone.

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Q: What shark is most likely to kill someone?
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you are more likely to get killed by a coconut then a shark most shark attacks are non fatal

Great white can kill orca whale?

Yes, a large great white shark could kill an adult orca, and an orca could kill a large great white shark. Most likely an orca would win most of the time but the shark has enough tools at its disposal to easily destroy an orca, it would come down to circumstance and chance.

Can a shark dance?

most likely not

Can a jellyfish sting kill a shark?

Most likely, yes. A man of war jellyfish has such deadly tenticles full of strong poison that could kill a shark easily.Another AnswerPossibly, but the man of war jellyfish is more likely to badly injure the shark than kill it. It all depends on the size of the tentacles of the man of war jellyfish and the type of the shark. But it is very likely for the man of war jellyfish to kill a hammer head shark or other smaller species of sharks.

What is the most scariest shark in the world?

The Bull Shark, as they are the species that are most likely to attack humans.

Who would win in a fight baricuda or shark?

A shark or a baricuda it really depends on were they fight. Most likely the shark.

Why do shark's kill orther shark's?

Well sometimes it is because they are protecting territory or to prove who is the most dominant.

Will a Shark Eat Spotted Sea Trout?

Yes, sharks are known to prey on a variety of fish species, including spotted sea trout. Spotted sea trout are not a usual part of a shark's diet, but they may be eaten if the opportunity arises.

Where in the US are you most likely to be attacked by a shark?

Along the coast.

What kind of shark is most likely to attack?

A starving one.

Which shark damages someone the most?

the ones with teeth

What is the most dangerous part of a fire that is the thing most likely to kill you?

what is the most dangerous part of a fire. That is the thing most likely to kill you