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All roosters are males so they don't lay eggs this is true for any breed of poultry

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Q: What rooster can you breed to a white leghorn hen?
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How do you make a white leghorn chicken?

You allow a white leghorn hen to mate with a white leghorn rooster. The eggs produced by that hen are then incubated for 21 days and a chick emerges from the fertilized egg. That chick will grow to be a white leghorn chicken.

What is a white legged horn?

white leghorn is a production breed hen that lays white eggs.

If you cross white leghorn rooster with rhode island red hen will the chicks be sex links or mixed?

The chicks produced from a cross between a white leghorn rooster and a Rhode Island red hen will not be sex-linked. However, the chicks will be mixed breed hybrids with genetics from both parent breeds. Sex-linked chicks are typically bred by crossing specific breeds known for creating sex-linked offspring.

How big are leghorn chickens?

The Leghorn is a chicken that originated in central Italy. There are 10 color varieties, of which the White Leghorn is the basis for the commercial white laying hen in the United States. The average weight for a rooster is between 5 & 6 pounds. The hen is between 4 & 5 pounds. They are considered medium-weight chickens.

What would chicks look like if rooster is white leghorn and hen a Rhode Island red?

a light red with males with lighter heads

Will a rooster breed with a different breed of hen?


Does a white hen and black rooster make a dominick chicken?

No. Dominicker (or dominick) chickens are a separate breed.

What animal is a white domestic chicken?

Leghorn Hen

What is white has feathers and lays eggs?

A Leghorn hen.

What breed of chicken lays the eggs you usually buy in your grocery store?

White Leghorn hens are the most widely used commercial egg producing hen.

If you breed a black sexlink hen to a black sexlink rooster what will you get?

a chicken.

What animal does a hen breed with?

A hen is a female chicken and thus would mate with a male chicken or a rooster.