Yes, Kosher meat is halal for Muslims to eat
Judaism--Kosher Islam -- Halal.
Not much difference - Halal is practiced by Muslims, and Kosher is practiced by Jews. Neither eat pork, and each have requirements on how their meat is slaughtered and processed.
A Jew who keeps strict kosher cannot eat halal food since the standards in kashrut are stricter than in halal. In kashrut, (1) mixing meat and dairy is prohibited, (2) more animals are forbidden relative to halal, (3) halal slaughter techniques are less strict than Jewish ones.
Yes it is. Now there is a distinction between what is Halal (permitted) and what is Thabeeha (Islamic slaughtering of meat which has certain specific requirements that may not be done in Kosher slaughtering). But permitted would be anything that is truly Kosher.
Jewish people have Kosher standards and do not eat shellfish. Muslim people have Halal standards. Catholics don't eat meat on Good Friday. Christians give up a food item for Lent. It seems that many, if not most or even all, religions have some food requirements.
halal or kosher food
No, but halal-keeping people can eat kosher food, except for anything containing alcohol.
Hindus do not eat beef no matter if it is Kosher or non-kosher.
As long as it contains halal meat or is meatless, then yes.
Answer 1A Jew who keeps strictly kosher cannot eat halal food since the standards in kashrut are stricter than in halal. In kashrut, (1) mixing meat and dairy is prohibited, (2) more animals are forbidden than in halal, (3) halal slaughter techniques are less strict than Jewish ones. Answer 2Halal means allowed or permitted, which is somewhat similar to Kosher. However, the kosher rules are very different than hallal rules. Very observant and well-educated Jews and Moslems will have far more complex interpretations.
They eat any kind of meat except for pork. However, it MUST be kosher.