It is usually the byproduct of soybeans used to make other products, like vegetable oil.
cotton,greenhouse products,soybeans,and peanuts.
Corn, Soybeans, Canola, Sunflowers, flax, weheat and other cereal grains.
Two products of biotechnology include genetically modified crops (such as insect-resistant corn or herbicide-tolerant soybeans) and biofuels (such as ethanol made from corn or biodiesel made from algae).
Soybeans are most commonly used for their oil. This oil can be made into bio diesel fuel as well as soy based lubricants which offer the same use as petroleum based lubricants. There are quite a few products that can be made using soybeans.
Apart from some fermented soy products, soybeans are always processed cooked, even soy milk or edamame.
Yes horses often consume soybeans as part of their diet. Most commercially made feed products for horses contain soy in some form and soybean meal is often sold to horse owners as a feed on it's own.
Illinois's major agricultural products are corn, soybeans, hogs, cattle, dairy products, and wheat.
Hog, coal, grains, soybeans, apples, and petroleum.