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Q: What potato has the lowest water content?
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How much water do potatoes need?

A large potato about 3 - 4 inches in diameter weighs about 299 grams. The water content for this size potato is 224 grams. That means, a baked potato has about 75% water content.

Do potato cubes gain or lose mass in salt water solutions?

depends on the salt content of the potato and how concentrated the salt is. the more salt there is in the water than the potato- the more water will exit the potato which then loses mass.

How does length and width of a potato affect osmosis and also how does the mass of the potato affect osmosis?

The length and width of a potato can affect osmosis by changing the surface area for water to enter or exit the potato cells. A larger surface area can lead to quicker and more efficient osmosis. The mass of a potato can also affect osmosis because it represents the overall water content of the potato. A heavier potato may have higher water content, affecting the rate and direction of osmosis.

Why is the calorie content of a baked potato different from that of a raw potato?

Contrary to popular belief, the calorie content of the potato doesn't change. What changes is the amount of moisture in the potato, so that a baked potato has more calories by weight than a raw potato.

What happens if a potato slice is placed in tap water?

If a potato slice is placed in tap water, the potato will absorb water through the process of osmosis. This causes the potato cells to swell and the slice to increase in size. The potato slice may also become softer due to the increased water content.

Which has more lipids potato or onion?

potato has more lipids content.

What happens if you burn a potato chip?

It burns. Potato chips have high fat content.

How does making potato into chips help to prevent food spoilage?

Water content in food provides an excellent environment for bacteria to grow. When potato chips are cooked it removes most of the water and can allow for longer storage without bacterial growth.

What fruit or vegetable conducts electricity the best?

Potato is known to be able to conduct electricity relatively well due to its high water and electrolyte content. When a potato is used in a battery experiment, the electrolytes in the potato help facilitate the flow of electrical current. Other fruits and vegetables with high water content, such as lemons and tomatoes, can also conduct electricity to some extent.

Is the potato best conductor of electricity than a lemon?

No, a lemon is a better conductor of electricity than a potato. This is because the citric acid and water content in a lemon make it a better electrolyte compared to a potato, allowing for the flow of electricity more efficiently.

How does a potato produce fire?

A potato, like most plants and animals has a high water content. Dry it and it will catch light like any other high-calorific, carbon-based organic substance.

Why use potato in osmosis experiment?

Potato is commonly used in osmosis experiments because it contains starch and has a high water content. This allows for clear observation of osmosis, as water molecules move from an area of high water concentration (outside the potato cells) to an area of low water concentration (inside the potato cells). This process helps demonstrate the concept of osmosis effectively.