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The same grains are used in Mexico to make bread as in any other part of the world: wheat, corn, oats and rye, among others.

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Q: What plant is used to make bread in Mexico?
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Generally, no Australian plant is used to male damper. Damper is a simple bread made from flour and water, cooked in a campfire. However, if one has patience and the know-how, one can crush wattle (acacia) seeds to make damper.

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Bread pudding is most commonly made with regular white bread, although almost any type of bread can be used. Some people use bread that is almost stale to make bread pudding.

Is wheat a seed plant?

Yes, wheat is a seed plant. Wheat produces seeds that are commonly used to make flour for various food products like bread, pasta, and pastries.

Why is yeast used for making bread doe?

It is used to make the bread inflate, therefore, it will taste better than a flat piece of bread =)

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What types of bread can be used to make a chili bowl?

Ciabatta rolls are commonly used for chili bread bowls. However, wheat bread, rye bread, and sourdough bread can be used as well, as long as they are large rolls that are not soft.

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What do windmills do to make bread?

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