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Cold Pizza

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Q: What percentage of people like cold pizza better than warm pizza?
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Related questions

Why does pizza taste better cold?

because that is your own perspective through your senses and nobody else can understand why cold pizza is better than hot pizza the way you can because nobody is you.

Is a hot pizza good?

Normally much better than a cold one.

What is the duration of Cold Pizza?

The duration of Cold Pizza is 2 hours.

What does pizza fria mean in portuguese?

Cold pizza. Usually used when the pizza took to long to be eaten: it is said "a pizza está fria" - "the pizza is cold".

Can you eat cold food?

Sure. Ice Cream is cold food, cheeses are cold food. There are some people who enjoy cold pizza the day after.

When did Cold Pizza end?

Cold Pizza ended on 2007-05-04.

When was Cold Pizza created?

Cold Pizza was created on 2003-10-20.

Why pizza is better in the fall and winter than spring and summer?

That's an opinion. I don't like pizza so I don't know but maybe cause pizza is hot and hot is best to eat in the cold to warm you up...

Why do some prefer to have pizza for breakfast?

Often people like to have pizza for breakfast, because it is very convenient to grab a piece of left over pizza from the refrigerator. A lot of times people enjoy having cold pizza in the morning, because they like the taste and it is easier than preparing something else.

Who eats Pizza Hut pizza the fastest?

evan dose or cold play

What is Michelle kwan favorite meal?

Michelle Kwan's favorite meal is Pizza from pizza hut and a nice cold root beer

Do people with blue eyes withstand the cold better?
