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Apple juice.

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Q: What other than prune juice makes you poop?
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Related questions

If it hurts when you poop what do you do?

take ex-lax, drink some apple juice or prune juice, etc. :-)

If you fart does it mean you have to poop?

no, it means you HAD gas. If you are constipated, have some bran and/or prune juice

What kind of juices help children poop?

Apple juice, prune juice, apple cider, cherry cider, peach cider.

What can a person drink to make themselves poop?

i dont know if it will work for you but you could try prune juice if you havent allready

What can be put in a drink that will make someone poop themself as a prank?

you simply use concentrated prune juice they'll be crapping them self's for hours

How often does a 12-year-old girl poop a day?

An average twelve year old girl poops about once-a-day. If you poop more then that, it's probably because you either ate beans or drank apricot or prune juice.

Why do prunes make you poop?

Because prunes contain Magnesium.Contrary to what many believe, it is not the fiber in a prune that makes you "poop" (move your bowels), prunes contain magnesium. (besides fiber)Anyone that has taken Milk of Magnesia knows this is the primary ingredient in the laxative.

How has Kevlar changed your lifestyle?

it makes you poop it makes you poop

What will make you poop?

well there are many different ways to make you go to the bathroomlaxativeprunes/prune juicesuppositoriesenemahope this helped

Why does swimming make you have to poop?

It makes you poop because it makes you excersize which trims fat and helps make you poop.

What does penguin poop look like when mixed with orange juice?

It looks like your common orange juice.

What medicine or food makes you poop right away?

Prunes and pear juice is a great natural laxative or I'm pretty sure you could buy an enema from the pharamacy.