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Q: What occurs if the egg has not been fertilized it when it reaches the uterus?
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Where does conception take place?

In the fallopian tubes, NOT the uterus. By the time the egg reaches the uterus, if it hasn't been fertilized yet, it won't ever be fertilized because your body has already begun to make new hormones and prepare to shed the uterine lining. Eggs just don't live that long. They hang out in the fallopian tubes waiting to be fertilized, and if they are, then they travel to the uterus and implant, signaling the start of pregnancy. Sometimes a fetilized egg implants in the tubes themselves, called an ectopic pregnancy, which usually requires a surgery.

Once the oocyte has been release from the follicle?

Once the oocyte has been released from the follicle, it is swept up into the fallopian tube by the fimbriae. The oocyte then begins its journey towards the uterus, where it may be fertilized by sperm if present. If fertilization occurs, the resulting embryo implants in the uterus and pregnancy begins.

What is a endometrial and folicle?

The "endometrium" is the inside lining of the uterus. A follicle is a premature egg that has not yet been fertilized by sperm.

How do you get pregnant with out getting your tubal reversed?

To have someone elses egg being put in your uterus after it's been fertilized.

Why do the lining of the uterus thickens from around day 5 until some days after the egg has been released?

The lining of the uterus thickens to prepare for a potential fertilized egg to implant. This thickening is necessary to create a nourishing environment for the embryo to grow and develop. If fertilization occurs, the thickened lining provides essential support for the early stages of pregnancy.

Why does a women blead whilst ovulating?

She does not. She bleeds after ovulation if the egg has not been fertilized. The uterus then shed the lining of the wall and takes the eggs with it out.

What happens to ovaries after a tubal ligation?

The ovaries continue to produce eggs. The difference is that the fallopian tubes have been cut and tied (to the uterus) so as to prevent the egg/s migration into the uterus to be fertilized.

Once an egg has been fertilized?

Once an egg has been fertilized by a sperm, it forms a zygote which starts to divide rapidly through mitosis. The zygote then travels down the fallopian tube and implants itself into the wall of the uterus where it continues to develop into an embryo. This process marks the beginning of pregnancy.

Where does the egg cell go where it can be fertilized?

The egg cell will go out through the vagina with blood, which is also known as a period.

What is a double pregnancy?

It is when two fetuses exist in the uterus after eggs have been fertilized at different times. It is an extremely rare and potentially dangerous condition, doctors say In some cases it can killed people.

Was there once a male uterus?

No there have never been a male uterus.

Is it possible to be fertile if period has been missed over nine months with no pregnancy?

It would be Highly unlikely as a period is supposed to follow each ovulation to prepare the Uterus for the next ovulation. The endometrium, is a liningof the uterus that the fertilized egg gets implanted. If pregnancy does not occur, it is shed along with blood in the form of the menstrual flow.