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Flour Nutritional Profile

Energy value (calories per serving): High

Protein: Moderate

Fat: Low

Saturated fat: Low

Cholesterol: None

Carbohydrates: High

Fiber: Low to high

Sodium: Low (except self-rising flour)

Major vitamin contribution: B vitamins

Major mineral contribution: Iron

Flour is the primary source of the carbohydrates (starch and fiber) in bread, pasta, and baked goods. All wheat and rye flours also provide some of the food fibers, including pectins, gums, and cellulose. Flour also contains significant amounts of protein but, like other plant foods, its proteins are "incomplete" because they are deficient in the essential amino acid lysine. The fat in the wheat germ is primarily polyunsaturated; flour contains no cholesterol. Flour is a good source of iron and the B vitamins. Iodine and iodophors used to clean the equipment in grain-processing plants may add iodine to the flour.

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13y ago
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15y ago

All-purpose, unbleached, wheat flour (1 cup) contains carbohydrates (82.8g); Vitamins B1 (.76mg), B2 (.37mg), niacin (5.5mg); Minerals: sodium (3mg), calcium (230mg), potassium (136mg), phosphorus (518 mg), iron (4.91mg); fat (2.2g); and protein (12.3g). Source: Bowes and Church's Food Values of Portions Commonly Used, 15th edition, revised by Jean A. T. Pennington, Ph.D., R.D., Harper Perennial, 1989.

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13y ago

Well for a start, flour is a carbohydrate and then all you have to do is find out the nutritional values included in flour

This depends on where you live. In much of the world flour is enriched with vitamins and minerals. For example in the USA flour is enriched with thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, iron and folic acid. The change in the regulations to add folic acid took place about 1995. It resulted in an almost immediate 50% reduction in the occurrence of spinal cord defects such as spina bifida. The same results were seen in Canada. While the milling process for white flour removes many nutrients found in the bran enrichment goes a long way towards replacing much of the value.

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13y ago

This list is not complete but it covers the basic values of nutrition found in Wheat.

51.8 g of carbohydrates

9.72 g of fat

23.15 g of protein.

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12y ago

wheat and flour

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Is flour wheat?

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Flour does contain wheat, while powdered sugar and salt do not.

What nutrients lost when wheat is processed to plain flour?

most of it because the wheat is bleached and it kills all the nutrients

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No, Maltesers are not wheat free because they contain wheat flour.

What is refined pasta?

No, gluten free pasta is made of corn flour and/or rice flour neither of which contain gluten instead of the durum wheat flour and?or semolina wheat flour both of which contain gluten (present in all wheat based products).

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Wheat flour and rice flour have many differences other than their derivation from different grains.Rice flour is from rice,wheat flour is from wheat. They contain different nutrients and have different textures. Rice flour does not have gluten. The higher protein and gluten content make wheat flours elastic.

What is the difference between whole wheat and 100 percent whole wheat?

100% whole wheat bread is made with no other type of flour besides whole wheat flour. Breads that are labeled "whole wheat" contain some percentage of whole wheat along with other types of flour, usually white wheat flour.

Does naan bread contain gluten?

Yes it does, because it is made out of wheat flour.

Can whole wheat flour be used on low carb diets?

Oh yes definitely. Whole wheat is a kind of an unrefined flour that retained much of the wheat germ and bran that is rich in nutrients and dietary fiber. The shelf life is short, which is the only drawback. whole wheat flour is lesser in carbohydrates and more nutritious than refined flour.

Why do recipes with whole wheat flour often contain all purpose flour to?

Because there are molecules in all-purpose flour that stabilize the consistency of the flour. Hence the name, "all-purpose". It will do the trick for most-everything you cook, and will not interfere with the molecules in whole-wheat flour. Whole wheat flour typically will not have the durability because ingredients from regular flour have been removed and/or replaced to fit in more whole-wheat additives.

Does rye flour contain wheat?

Pure rye flour does not contain any wheat. However, most commercial rye breads include a mixture of both rye and wheat flours. It is important to note that many persons on a wheat-free diet suffer from celiac disease, which is an intollerance to gluten, a sugar found in wheat and other grains. Since rye does contain gluten, it is not a suitable wheat-alternative for individuals on a gluten-free diet.

Table of contents which bread mold the fastest wheat or white?

Bread made with wheat flour tends to mold faster than bread made with white flour. This is because wheat flour contains more nutrients and moisture that can promote mold growth. Additionally, the higher fiber content in wheat bread can provide a better environment for mold to thrive.