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Q: What might happen to a native fish species if an introduced fish species that ate the same food was released in a pond?
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How are native species and introduced species related?

Native species are those that naturally occur and have evolved in a specific region or ecosystem, while introduced species are those that have been brought into a new environment by human activities. Introduced species can have negative effects on native species by outcompeting them for resources, predating on them, or introducing diseases. Native and introduced species can interact through competition, predation, and other ecological relationships in the same environment.

What is the species that is not native to a ecosystem?

It's an introduced species such as rabbits being introduced into Australia.

Introduced species can have important effects on biological communities by?

Preying upon native species competing with native species for resources displacing native species :)

What is a native sheep to Australia?

Sheep are not native to Australia - they are an introduced species.

Are donkeys an introduced species of Australia?

Yes. Donkeys are introduced, and not native to Australia.

Why are non-native species dangerous to ecosystems?

Sometimes a non-native species can be introduced into an environment as a way to address an environmental problem. Other times these are introduced by accident.

Why are the introduced species causing damage to Australian native animals?

In the first place, introduced species threaten the food supplies of native animals. Introduced species tend to breed more quickly than native species, so they eat more, often razing feeding grounds which would support native herbivores for months by eating vegetation right down to the roots. Secondly, many introduced species are predators, and native Australian animals have not developed effective defence adaptations against predators that are new to them. Introduced plant species tend to spread more quickly through native habitats, killing off native plant species which might provide the natural food of Australian animals.

What are species that migrate or are accidentally introduced into an ecosystem called?

Species that migrate are called migratory species, while species that are accidentally introduced into an ecosystem are called invasive species.

How many species of frogs are there?

There are seven species of frog found in New Zealand, three of which are non-native species introduced by settlers. An additional five species were introduced in the 1800's that were unable to establish successful populations. None of these are present today. All of the native species and two of the introduced species are listed as threatened or endangered.

Is the panda species introduced or are they native?

That depends. What area are you talking about? In some areas, pandas are native and in other areas, pandas are introduced. It depends on the location of which you are asking. They are native to China.

Causes of extinction in New Zealand?

Introduced species and habitat loss are the primary causes of extinction of native species in New Zealand. Introduced species such as feral cats, foxes, rats and stoats have decimated some native populations. Even the brushtail possum, rainbow lorikeets, black swan and cockatoos which have been introduced from Australia, threaten the habitat of native New Zealand species.

Are snow leopards an introduced species?

snow leopards are a very beautiful animal in the Himilayas and is an introduced species. It is hard to get footage of itAlternate answer:Snow leopards are native to the mountain ranges of Central and South Asia. Since they are native to these areas, they are not an introduced species. Snow leopards are an endangered species and they tend to be very elusive creatures.