Any number of things could be the cause. Check with your doctor especially if it persists.
It might be an aortic aneurysm and you should get it checked out
2nd trimester- almost into 3rd
Sex can cause bloating if the intercourse goes too deep or too rough. The cervix as a result becomes sore and swollen. This has been known to give a bloated or sore feeling.
Lower right abdomen pain could indicate appendicitis; vomiting and painful to the touch symptoms fit, too. In any case, get her to a doctor. If it is appendicitis she will need emergency surgery or she may die.
right lower quadrant pain fever nausea vomiting..pain may defer to the middle of the abdomen in some cases
The symptoms of appendicitis are: Vomiting Not eating much Fever Constipation Sharp pains by the lower right abdomen, but may of started of by the belly button
lower abdomen
It can be but take a test. I get that way before I get my period.
because you may have experienced tight clothing digging into your vulva area such as your clitoris and it as swollen and has inflamed.
kidney stone, pulled adhesions, infection